November 2023
Kristine England
December 1, 2023 at 5:00:00 PM
Move 78
Move 78 spends its studio time improvising then cutting up, rearranging, and augmenting its sound with strings, woodwinds, and horns to create something quite mesmerizing. At times very jazzy and at others evocative electronic soundscapes group forged its signature sound by experimentation. The band’s name is inspired by a famous AlphaGo match between a computer and Lee Sedol, who beat the machine with an inspired move that completely stumped the machine.
FEATURED TRACK: "Storms Of Our Grandchildren"
Sarah Davachi
Long Gradus
Composer Sarah Davachi fashioned Long Gradus to be played by different instruments combos and the result is compelling. Performed by Quatuor Bozzini, the composition is divided into pieces for strings, brass and organ, choir and electronics, and woodwinds. Each interpretation has unique qualities and is a fascinating illustration of how one piece of music can be greatly altered by adaptation.
FEATURED TRACK: “Long Gradus Excerpt” (strings)
Big Something
Big Something from North Carolina released its seventh album. The sextet combines electronica, jazz, funk, and metal influences to create something special. I’m usually highly critical of Bowie covers, but their version of “Moonage Daydream” is solid. The band will spend the next several months on tour crisscrossing the states. You can bet they can deliver a great live show.
FEATURED TRACK: “The Mountain”
Yawning Balch
Volume Two
Released just five months after the precursor, Volume One, the second volume of Yawning Balch’s heavy psych journey is a dreamy exploration of moods in just three long songs. Desert rock stalwarts Yawning Man are joined by Bob Balch on these projects, which grew from a jam session in Joshua Tree, CA. Distorted Sound was effusive in its praise, observing “ The meandering and constantly evolving track takes you to some wonderful places in your imagination.”
FEATURED TRACK: “A Moment Expanded (A Form Constant)”
Hilary Woods
Acts of Light
Dark and foreboding, the ambient music on Acts of Light evokes dangerous journeys with droning synths, strings, and voices. The Irish composer’s latest work is a far cry from her days as the guitarist for the indie band JJ72. She is an evolving artist who creates compelling sonic vistas.
FEATURED TRACK: “Where The Bough Has Broken”